Some amazing pics of my replica alongside an original Tonebender mk1! I won't go into detail on what the customer thinks, lets just say he is very happy with the replica.
FY-2 replica for Dave. Has the scoop mod where you can control the amount of mid scoop on the sound, plus the fuzz control is wired differently to the original for more varied tones. Update - Dave has received his fy-2, here is what he says - "pedal is amazing! absolutely amazing, better than the original fy-2 i have" ; )
Gold Hammerite Tonebender mk1 for Graham. The last of the Gold ACY22 transistors went into this one. 3 Mullard tropical fish capacitors, tagboard construction, 2 trimpots to bias the 1st and 3rd transistors.
Germanium Shatterbox, essentially a Zonk Machine 2 and a treble booster in one box. I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out but it sounds really good! soundclip soon.
I have been making guitar pedals since 2004. I have made Guitar Pedals for The Mummies, Neol Davies (The Selecter), Seeland, Henry Kaiser, Slomatics, Omnia Opera, Broadcast, Conan, Seeland, Sian Alice Group, Booger Red, Fly Garrikk, and many more. I also produce, and perform in, the Circuit Bent Drone Rock band 'Windscale' -, and the Electro-Funk band 'sol_dat'. The Ghost Effects website is at