All the recordings are DI and the Buzzaround was set on full sustain, with the Timbre set full to the darker Tone. Halfway through each clip I turn the sustain down.
Guitar Amp based on the Ruby/Little Gem schematics. Uses a LM386 chip to amplify the signal, has volume and gain controls, red l.e.d. power indicator, and a built in voltage regulator. Power from 12v dc adaptor only. I have used it with my 8ohm speaker, it will apparently work with 4ohm and 16ohm speakers as well. For a 1/2 watt amp its surprisingly loud with a nice crunchy overdrive using the gain control.
A vero layout I made for the classic Mosrite Fuzzrite. The BC-108 transistors can be substituted for similar Silicon NPN transistors (the emitters are orientated towards the bottom of the board), for example I tried 2n3904s which sounded a bit harsher than the BC-108s. Will post a pic of one I have made later.
Another Tube Booster, this time in a Hammond style case, sanded then clear coated. This has a Zaerix ECC82 tube, extra large MXR style knobs, Blue l.e.d. and Mullard input capacitor. Listen here.
Thanks to Damion for giving me this ex local college signal generator, just need to fit a new mains cable to get it up and running. Anybody got a spare oscilloscope they don't want? ; )
I have been making guitar pedals since 2004. I have made Guitar Pedals for The Mummies, Neol Davies (The Selecter), Seeland, Henry Kaiser, Slomatics, Omnia Opera, Broadcast, Conan, Seeland, Sian Alice Group, Booger Red, Fly Garrikk, and many more. I also produce, and perform in, the Circuit Bent Drone Rock band 'Windscale' -, and the Electro-Funk band 'sol_dat'. The Ghost Effects website is at