Here is the finished Collapsing Star for Mark. Sounds a bit different to others I have made because I used a different raw toy. There's some added dog and cat sounds, and some strange randomness going on overall compared to the other versions.
Another 'Cyclops' done. Had to add another modification to fool the original toy into thinking it's being used (it's not!!), so you tap the push button now and again while you are playing! So if the original toy is not being used, how is the sound being generated? ; )
Rather busy at the moment, finishing a 'Cyclops' for Simon, a 'Collapsing Star' for Mark, and am waiting for a LOT of new parts mainly so I can finish two pedals that are half done. Good job really as I have finished teaching for the summer!
Recently I sold a 'Collapsing Star' to the girlfriend of one of these fellas, Barry and Stuart, as a birthday present. Wonder if it will make it into the act! ; )
This is my old trusty prototype for the 'Collapsing Star' that I make. Basically the same Harmonic Distortion/Pitch Shifting sound but without 2 extra pitch bending knobs. Also this is a V-Tech Radio not the toy I normally use! Audio here. Edit - Sold.
I now have Speak and Spell/Speak and Maths Circuit Bending kits available. All the parts you need plus a zip file full of images and bending guides. Look here. UPDATE - Back in stock as of 25/7/07
If you are wondering where the Systech knob on my 1 knob fuzz came from then here's the answer! An old battered 1970's Systech Phase Shifter. One of the footswitches is missing so its wired 'always on' at the moment. It also needed 2 internal trimpots replacing and a new battery clip. No battery cover either, used a bit of plastic! Fantastic sound and built like a tank!
Another Sampler finished for Don from Texas. Mic and line in, 9 seconds of sample time, plus total pitch control over the audio. Here is a Windscale track made using 3 tracks of the Sampler.
I have been making guitar pedals since 2004. I have made Guitar Pedals for The Mummies, Neol Davies (The Selecter), Seeland, Henry Kaiser, Slomatics, Omnia Opera, Broadcast, Conan, Seeland, Sian Alice Group, Booger Red, Fly Garrikk, and many more. I also produce, and perform in, the Circuit Bent Drone Rock band 'Windscale' -, and the Electro-Funk band 'sol_dat'. The Ghost Effects website is at